Minneapolis pond

Stressless Oasis


Pond care can be a labor of love.  CAN BE.  It takes desire, time and knowledge to keep a water feature a healthy functioning ecosystem.  Keeping a pond in balance using the pond’s designed filtration (whether natural or mechanical) with water plants, fish and biological additives can be a delicate task. Many homeowners revel in this task and water gardening provides a great way to enjoy the outdoors and to relieve stress.  However, for others their pond becomes a source of frustration.  Keeping that oasis beautiful now becomes a summer chore.  That’s where DIWhy comes in.  Starting in April 2020 DIWhy will offer Seasonal Maintenance Contracts!

How does a Seasonal Maintenance Contract work?  Every other week a DIWhy employee will be out to complete the following tasks:

·       Clean skimmer box net/basket/filters/brushes and pump 

·       Fertilize and trim and water plants

·       Change light bulbs

·       Add biological additives such as algicide, barley extract and beneficial bacteria

·       Weed along the peripheral of water feature

·       Adjust auto fill and/or pump auto shutoff

·       Net any floating debris

·       Visually inspect the water feature and make repairs if needed

·       Feed fish


Our maintenance visits begin after the Spring Cleanout & Start Up and run all season until the water feature is shutdown the last week of October.  So why choose DIWhy?  We are a full-service pond contractor that focuses on one thing, water features.  We build, repair and maintain water features and this has given us extensive knowledge in all aspects of water gardening.  We’ve worked with ornate fountains, bubbling boulders, pondless water features, small to large ponds, cement ponds, natural water filtration, mechanical filtration, uv filtration and so much more!  

So, what does it cost?  Each maintenance visit is $89.  The only other cost is the product (pond chemicals, light bulbs and so forth).  Large repairs are billed separately, and consent is given by homeowner prior to beginning the work.

Contact DIWhy for a Seasonal Maintenance Contract and transform your feature into a stressless oasis today!  Imagine stepping out your door and walking over to your water feature and simply enjoying the sights and sounds of the running water, the beauty of the water plants and the colors of the koi without adding to your to-do-list.

How to Put up Lights for Your Minneapolis Outdoor Pond

The summer and fall are times to enjoy the backyard a few more times until winter comes. Lights around your outdoor pond can give it that glow you’re looking for to complete your backyard. If you want to try to do it yourself, we are here to support you. Here’s how to install your outdoor lights. 

Before installation

Before you start to installation, you will want a safe power source. An outdoor transformer can be installed with just enough electricity to safely power your lights. Usually a 12 volt outlet with a weatherproof box will light up your pond safely. Contact your electrician to find the best solution for your outdoor lights. You’ll also want to make sure that the lights you buy have waterproof seals to avoid electrical complications.


Light choices

The most common type of bulb used are LEDs up to 12 watts. It is important to consider the maintenance costs of keeping up the bulbs. These bulbs are more energy efficient and last longer than most other bulbs. Call your electrician to find out more of your options.


Downlights are lights that are above your pond. While the lights will not be submerged, they will have to be outside in all kinds of weather. String the lights around surrounding trees, or use tall stakes to string up the lights around your pond. This kind of lighting is easy and provides a natural look to your pond. 

Submerged lights

Lights that are submerged in your pond are more difficult to place, especially with plants and fish. To install them, the pond will have to be empty for your safety. Place them wherever you like to light up your pond into sparkles. If you have a pond waterfall, a great place to put a light is right behind the waterfall. Mount the lights on the side or secure them with weights. 

If you want to learn more about your pond lighting options or want us to do the hard work for you, call DiWhy Exteriors. We are ready to help you with your outdoor pond and landscaping needs.

Summer Pond Maintenance Checklist for Minneapolis Pond Owners

The summer months are for enjoying your Minneapolis backyard in the sun with the pond that you worked hard to put together. Maintaining your pond through the heat, rain, and sun is important to the overall health of the pond and the plants or fish you have. If you need to know how to maintain that pond, we made a summer checklist for you.


Trim plant growth

Summer is the time for plants to grow and thrive, but too much growth can choke out other plants and cover your fish. It is important to keep trimming back your plants each month, or week if there is excessive growth, to keep your pond healthy. Small bugs often find homes in large plant growth, which could endanger the fish. Check your plants and filter for any beetles or other bugs that could take food away from your fish and plants. There are also chemicals or dyes that can be added to your pond to restrict pond growth, but it is important to be careful when choosing the chemicals or dyes. Some will encourage algae growth or be harmful for your fish. Talk with your professional pond expert to find the best solution for your pond. 

Check the filter

To keep your pond looking great and stay healthy, cleaning out the filter every week or more is an important step. Larger ponds should be checked every day to avoid clogs or damage to your filter. After a strong storm, winds, or rain, check your filter for excess debris in your pond. The strong winds carry plant life into your pond, putting extra stress onto your filter. Keeping up to date with checking your filter can save you time and money from a broken pond filter.

Add healthy bacteria and chemicals

While some bacteria is harmful, there is helpful bacteria that encourages a healthy environment for your plants and fish. Regularly adding natural bacteria, about once a week or once a month, will make your pond look great and your fish stay healthy. There are many kinds of healthy bacteria, so talk with your pond expert to learn more about which solution is right for you. Having the right amount of chemicals can influence the hardness, pH levels, and oxygen levels in the water. Checking those levels on a regular basis and adjusting it as necessary will keep your fish and plants growing strong. Talk with the Pond Doctor if you have any questions about how to maintain water hardness, pH levels, and oxygen levels.


Feed your fish

It might be obvious, but your fish need food. With a sprinkle of food every day, your fish will be happy and full. Smaller amounts of food are important during the summer months because they also eat the plant debris that falls into the pond. If you go on vacation for a couple of days, your fish will continue to eat the debris and stay healthy. If you go on vacation longer than a weekend, you may want to have someone check on your fish while you’re away. Remember that there are different feeding methods for fall and spring, so be sure to ask your pond expert about your fish if you have any questions. 

Check the water level

The heat of summer and storms that blow in will evaporate the water or overflow your pond. Be careful to add treated water so that your fish can adjust to the new water. Most ponds can be checked for water level every week, but each pond is different. Talk with your pond professional if you have any questions about what healthy water levels look like for your pond. 

Maintaining your pond can busy your day. Talk to the experts at DIWhy to take care of your pond and get the best advice. We are happy to help with any pond and landscaping maintenance.

How to Stop and Prevent Algae Growth in your Minneapolis Pond

If you have a backyard pond in Minneapolis, you probably have experienced the frustrations with algae growth. The green slime looks bad and smells worse. Thankfully, there are many ways to stop and prevent algae growth. 


How algae grows

To properly prevent algae, it’s important to know how it grows. Algae forms when there is direct sunlight and unused nutrients and oxygen in the water. Small amounts of algae are healthy for ponds, but too much algae can take away the oxygen in the water from other plants and fish. It can take nutrients from fish waste, dying plants, and other organic sources. 

Types of algae

There are many different types of algae that can form in your pond. The most common are green water and string algae. Green water algae is an algae that coats the surface of the pond and is too small to skim out. It is often seen in circles, called blooms, and spreads outward to the rest of the water. String algae, which is also called hair algae, grows in strings that can be picked up by hand. Even though it usually grows on rocks and by waterfalls, it can grow in larger ponds. If the strings get tangled together, it can form a larger, and heavier, clump of algae. Both types can be dangerous to your pond’s health if they grow out of control. 


Plant and fish solutions

Other plants and fish can help balance the pond’s ecosystem to keep algae growth at bay. Plants that cover the top of the water give algae less room to grow and less sunlight to absorb. Plants like lily pads and lotus cover and shade areas of your pond where algae would have a higher chance of growing. Underwater plants also help absorb nutrients that algae might use to grow. Balancing the number of fish you put into your pond is also important when preventing algae growth. Waste produced by fish has nutrients that plants use to grow. When there are more fish than plants in your pond, the excess nutrients are taken up by algae, allowing it to grow faster. 

Treatment solutions 

There are many quick treatment options that are available to get rid of algae. Algaecides are chemical and natural treatments that removes the algae without harming other plants and fish. Use each one as directed on current algae growth. To prevent algae from growing, install an algae filter or find other preventive measures, such as barley straw, that release counter nutrients that prevent algae growth, but are not harmful to fish or other animals.

If you are looking to find an algae solution that fits your needs and budget, call us at DIWhy for more information about ways to stop and prevent algae growth. We are here to help your pond look great and be healthy.

4 Reasons to Hire A Minneapolis Professional for Pond Maintenance this Spring

As spring shows its full colors in Minneapolis, it’s time to get your backyard pond out from hibernation. While there are many ways to get your pond ready, but only a professional can tell you how your pond is different and how to get it ready. This isn’t the only benefit to having the Pond Doctor help with maintenance. Here are some other benefits of hiring a professional for your pond maintenance.


Expert Advice

Whether or not it is your first DIY project, there may be complications. Not all backyards are the same, and making the pond work with your backyard is something that a professional can give you advice on. They can make suggestions, cater to your style, and show you the ins and outs of pond maintenance.

Special Equipment

Having the right equipment to clean out your pond properly might be a hassle. A professional will have all of the right tools when you need them, and they will know how to handle them correctly. Your pond professional could also give you advice on the best equipment to buy for your pond in the future.


Armed with experience from many years of cleaning, maintaining, and building ponds, a professional can share their wisdom and make sure your pond is ready for the summer. Experience and hands-on work with multiple types of ponds is helpful for fighting off algae and other harmful particles that grow in ponds. They also keep up with trends and new brands.


Identify Potential Problems

Every yard and pond could cause problems in the future, but professional pond maintenance will prevent it or provide solutions for you to weigh out your options. If you have any questions or are worried about potential problems, call the Pond Doctor for more information and have your questions ready.

If you would like the Pond Doctor to help out with your pond maintenance, call us today to get started. All of us at DIWhy are ready to help make your pond the healthiest it has ever been.

4 Things to Do Now to Get Your Minneapolis Pond Ready for Spring

While the weather is still in winter, you may be starting to dream about spring. You can’t wait to get back outdoors and enjoy your Minneapolis outdoor pond and the sunshine. If you like to plan ahead, here are some things you can do now to get ready to open your pond in the spring.


Purchase cleaning supplies

Once the snow melts, there are a lot of leaves and dead plants that will cover your pond and backyard. Make sure that you have a rake to get everything from the surface and a skimmer or pond vacuum to get the debris out of the pond itself.

Plan for your plants

If you plan on putting plants and fish in your pond, you will want to start planning what plants will be best for your fish. Once it is warm enough to clean out your pond, a lot of the plants that were in there before will have to be cleaned out. Remember to get good fertilizer for your plants once they start growing in the pond. While many stores do not have summer plants out yet, now is a good time to start planning and get a jump on your backyard pond design.

Prepare your pond filter ready

Whether your pond filter is tucked away or left outside all winter, you will want to make sure that everything still runs smoothly before you put it back in with your fish. Running your filter for a little while before setting it back up in the spring is a good idea to ensure the health and safety of your fish. If the filter broke in some way, it is good to know early so that you have time to get a new one before uncovering your pond.


Purchase chemical testing materials

Once you’re ready to open your pond up for the spring, you’ll have to check the ammonia and nitrate levels of your pond along with adding any water treatment solution. Obtaining these materials now can save you a lot of time once spring comes. Chemical levels are important to check right away in spring for the health of your pond later in the summer. Get these materials early to tackle your spring relaxation. It is also important to remove your fish while treating your pond’s water. If you have any fish in the water over the winter, make sure you have a place to put them while treating the water in the spring.

For any questions about materials that you need for the spring, don’t hesitate to call the Pond Doctor. All of us at DIWhy are ready to help you get ready for a nice spring and fun summer.

6 Key Steps to Prepare your Minneapolis Outdoor Pond for Winter

Preparing your yard for the winter months is important when you live Minneapolis. When you have an outdoor pond, you’ll want to know how to prepare it for the freezing winter months ahead. Here are some simple steps to preparing your pond for winter.

  1. Reduce food for your fish

    Before the weather starts to drop below 50 degrees, you will want to start lowering the amount of food you give your fish. That way, they will be prepared for the lack of food in the winter and survive until spring. An indicator that it’s time to stop feeding them is when the outdoor temperature drops below 50 degrees. If your pond is shallow, it is a good idea to bring your fish inside. Typically, ice will freeze around four inches thick, but can get up to ten inches or more.

  2. Clean out your pond

    Dead plants and leaves can decay and poison your fish and other plant life if left in your pond over the winter. Rake out all the leaves and plants in your pond for healthier water in the spring.

  3. Move or remove plants

    Living plants can easily survive the winter if properly taken care of. Plants that are more hardy can stay in your pond if pushed more than 18 inches below the surface of the water. If your pond is not that deep, it is best to remove all plants to a warmer area. More delicate plants, like tropical lilies, need to be in a place where they won’t freeze at all. Remember to keep them watered while inside. Most plants can be wrapped with damp newspaper to keep from dying and placed in a warm area. Ask the Pond Doctor for more tips on plant health to keep your plants alive over the winter.

  4. Clean and move the pond filter

    Removing any dirt and filth from your filter will extend the life of your filter year to year. To protect your filter from ice damage, you will want to think about moving it out of the pond for the winter. Make sure to drain all the water before putting it in storage. Another option is to move it closer to the surface of the water so that any bubbles it creates will keep the water from completely freezing. Because of our Minnesota weather, we recommend removing it for the winter.

  5. Vacuum the pond if necessary

    If your pond is at a depth where you cannot scoop out the dead plants and leaves at the bottom, it is a good idea to vacuum them out from the bottom of the pond. It will keep your pond healthier over the course of the winter and  provide clean water in the spring.

  6. Cover your pond

    The last step is to cover your pond with netting or tarp over the winter. After all the cleaning you did, you’ll want to keep it clean until spring. The net or tarp will catch all the leaves and snow before it can get into your pond. Remember to clean off the netting or tarp every once in a while so that it doesn’t weigh down and fall into the pond.


Following these easy tips will prepare your pond for winter, and help you rest easy until spring. If you’re ready to learn more about Fall and Winter pond maintenance, then we’re ready to help. Simply contact us for more information.